A look back at the Physical Fellowship: Unlocked 2020

A look back at the Physical Fellowship: Unlocked 2020
By Highly Sprung
13th May 2021


2020. What a year. It’s fair to say no could expect things to turn out the way they did. One of the key events in the Highly Sprung calendar is the Physical Fellowship, an annual festival of physical performance exclusively for young people and emerging artists: the only one of its kind in the UK. As we locked down in March 2020, things became uncertain for the festival, but Team Sprung managed to keep going!  Taking the festival online, we curated a packed programme for the week, with online workshops, masterclasses, performances, tutorials and podcasts, with over over 50 videos and live streams shared throughout the week. Working with local schools, we received over 60 creative responses to the theme ‘Unlocked’ that were shared each evening for our headline shows.


As we now look ahead to our 2021 edition of the festival Changing Climates (more info for schools here!), we’ve been looking back at the 2020 festival and are sharing some of the highlights. You can still relive all of the memories, resources and performances – links below!


Resources still available: 
  • Our daily headline shows with creative responses from young people, along with  ‘WAKE,’ and ‘THE UNSEEN’ from the Sprungsters
  • A full film of Seen But Never Heard 2019
  • The ‘Backstage Gossip’ podcast series
  • Throwback videos to previous festival shows
  • Ideas for creating your own responses to ‘Unlocked’


Thank you to our 2020 partners Motionhouse Dance Theatre, Frantic Assembly, Stopgap Dance, Infuse Dance and Vamos Mask Theatre, and thank you to all the brilliant young people who submitted creative response – shout outs to King Edward VI School, Kings High School, Rugby Free School, Stoke Park School, Artists Ben Morley and Emily Robertson, duo Siena and Elise, and Sprungsters Chloe, Niamh and Mai.


Click here to watch our playlist with all the festival performances & resources.